• Argentine Tango: a pocket ‘breviary’ for its dancers


    Author: Patricia Müller
    186 Pages
    ISBN 978-1-716-41723-8

    In this book, we discover the code of honor of the ‘porteños’ dancers of the Tango Milonguero who have remained ‘uncontaminated’ by the tourism surrounding the Tango and who are more or less 70-80 years old.

  • Blackness-in-Tango-en

    Blackness in Tango


    Writer: Mónica María Fumagalli
    64 pages with colour illustrations and Photos
    ISBN 978-3-939871-43-9

    Blackness in Tango. A story of love hidden in the notes
    Slaves took part in the founding of Buenos Aires and in the wars that shaped its destiny. One of the first bandoneón players in history was the son of slaves: it’s difficult to imagine tango as a creation indifferent to the presence of Blacks.

  • Changing the World One Tango at a Time


    Author: Ray Sullivan
    206 pages
    ISBN 978-631-90507-3-8

    More than a guide or a “how-to” book, Changing the World One Tango at a Time is a series of observations that teach and confirm how we are all connected to each other…

  • I Am Tango


    Author: María Oliva
    134 pages illustrated with photos
    ISBN 978-3-939871-25-5

    I Am Tango. Biography of Maria Nieves
    “Tango dance has something very special: it’s the communication within the couple. That is why when we dance it we feel an endless number of emotions, such as love…and hate. I was born to dance tango and I will die for my tango.”

  • I wanted to dance


    Author: Ricardo Plazaola
    120 pages with 35 photos
    ISBN 978-987-24481-7-2

    I wanted to dance. Carlos Gavito: Life, passion and tango

    Buy it as eBook

    CARLOS EDUARDO GAVITO (4/27/1943 – 7/1/2005) was born in La Plata, Argentina. He spent his youth in the barrio of Avellaneda (to the south of Greater Buenos Aires) and the rest of his life circling the globe.

  • Inside the show Tango Argentino


    Writer: Antón Gazenbeek
    248 Pages, 97 Photos
    ISBN 978-1-716-87995-1

    During the dark years of military dictatorship, Tango had fallen into oblivion all over the world, even in Argentina. The “Tango Argentino” tango show was the show that led to the worldwide revival of interest in Tango. He made his debut in Paris, then conquered Broadway and, later, the whole world…

  • New Glossary of Tango Dance


    Author: Gustavo Benzecry Sabá
    96 pages illustrated with photos
    ISBN 978-987-24481-8-9

    New Glossary of Tango Dance. Key Tango Argentino dance terms
    The New Glossary of Tango Dance comes is the result of a 10 year long thoughtful research. Its first edition, published in 2004 was an outstanding success. It´s demand all over the world made it be re-printed several times.

  • New Glossary of Tango Dance + DVD


    Author: Gustavo Benzecry Sabá
    96 Pages with photos + 1 DVD showing 285 Tango words and movements.
    ISBN 978-987-24481-8-9

    New Glossary of Tango Dance. Key Tango Argentino dance terms
    The New Glossary of Tango Dance comes is the result of a 10 year long thoughtful research. Its first edition, published in 2004 was an outstanding success. It´s demand all over the world made it be re-printed several times.

  • Stories for brave children


    Author: Romina Tumini
    168 color pages printed on 115 gramms paper, fully illustrated by the author’s son. ISBN 978-3-00-069435-6

    Illustrated book for children with refugee or other distressing experiences. For their parents or professionals in the fields of education, social work, and therapy, available in six languages: German / Arabic / Kurdish / Persian / English / Ukrainian.


  • Tango Awareness


    Author: Mauricio Castro
    128 pages
    ISBN 978-987-43845-7-7

    Learning to dance tango. Looking and feeling great is only the beginning. Find out how some dancers learn faster and better than others. Understanding the solid principals of Tango Awareness will make your mind drift away into the comfort zone. Being yourself while you learn is easy.

  • Tango Passion and the Rules of the Game


    Author: Margareta Westergård
    210 pages
    ISBN 978-3-939871-09-5

    In this book, the strict rules, códigos, and behavioural patterns at the traditional milongas (dance halls) of Buenos Aires are described. They constitute a frame around the tango, which in its unique embrace, el abrazo, is danced here with more devotion and passion than in any other tango environment in the world.

  • Tango Queer Buenos Aires


    Author: Mariana Docampo
    130 pages
    ISBN 978-987-47617-4-3

    Buy it as eBook

    All dance spaces (with their traditions, their physical requirements, their gendered performances) can be thought of as political devices for the body and its practices. They are cultural zones where possible forms of life are rehearsed—often in an unconscious way. They set in motion new probable and improbable relationships among bodies.

  • TANGO Vol. 1. Its secrets revealed


    Author: Mauricio Castro
    130 pages with illustrations
    ISBN 978-987 43281-1-3

    TANGO. The Structure of the Dance 1. The key to its secrets revealed
    Mauricio Castro´s book offers a new system to help the dancer creatively develop his/her tango using solidly established technical foundations.

  • Out of stock

    TANGO Vol. 2. The Matrix


    Author: Mauricio Castro
    144 pages with illustrations
    ISBN 978-987-43-4598-1

    TANGO. The Structure of the Dance 2. The Matrix.
    Mauricio Castro´s book offers a new system to help tha dancer creatively develop his/her tango using solidly established technical foundations.

  • TANGO. An anxious quest for freedom


    NEW edition revised and updated

    Authors: Gloria and Rodolfo Dinzel
    152 pages with illustrations
    Translated by Martin Harvey
    ISBN 3-9807383-5-3

    For the first time a literary work on tango dynamics attempts to dialogue about the technical and theoretical aspects of this dance, that is ¨porteña¨, and shows us to the world.

  • The Quest for the Embrace


    Author: Gustavo Benzecry Sabá
    238 pages with illustrations
    ISBN 978-987-26509-6-4

    The Quest for the Embrace. The History of Tango Dance (1800-1983)
    In 2009, UNESCO declared the Argentine tango to be part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Preceding this honor, there is a long history of men and women that created the dance, giving form to a way of life.

  • Traces. Memories of Resistance (Argentina 1974 – 1983)


    Author: María del Carmen Sillato
    240 pages
    ISBN 978-3-939871-20-0

    This book brings together the unpublished works of survivors of State terrorism in Argentina. The painful past emerges on each page to be re-worked and approached from different angles; it invites reflection and is projected toward new audiences.

  • Women and Tango


    Author: Mónica María Fumagalli
    64 pages with colour illustrations and Photos
    ISBN 978-987-48170-4-4

    Angels of the hearth, cabaret demons. Women and Tango
    Women have always been the at the center of tango’s poetic…
